Satokar Review Site Fri, 23 Oct 2020 18:16:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Flat Belly Detox Review Fri, 04 Sep 2020 07:18:16 +0000 Flat Belly Detox is a 14-day online program that provides you with safe, easy and natural remedies that can flush out a hormone glitch in the body that’s forcing your body to store belly fat at a faster rate.

The system is highly focused on intermittent fasting, which involves getting your meals in within an 8-hour time-frame, which really isn’t all that abnormal at all.

The greatest part is that, unlike other detox and weight loss regimes, this one doesn’t require you to do anything absurd.

You don’t have to drink only lemon water for the next two weeks, take some weird prescription pill or do some ancient stretches. It’s just about timing your eat to flush out the glitch that is making you gain weight, while also making it even more difficult fat.

So, if you’re ready to get rid of your biggest roadblock, here’s what you can expect from the Flat Belly Detox program.

What is Flat Belly Detox?

After spending hours running on a treadmill and restricting your diet to nothing but leafy greens, weight loss can seem impossible. However, perhaps it isn’t what you’re eating that is the problem and maybe, it’s a hormonal imbalance/glitch that forces your body to store belly fat at a faster rate no matter how healthy you eat or how often you work out.

Flat Belly Detox is an online system designed to teach you how to flush out this hormonal glitch, so you can finally start to see the weight loss results you’ve been working for – and that you deserve. The approach is highly focused on intermittent fasting, which consists of 8 hours of eating and 16-hours of not eating.

And don’t worry, the majority of the 16 hours occur while you sleep so you won’t be starving or having to forgo eating during the day. You can even decide when you’d like to start the 16 hours of fasting to suit your specific schedule and needs.

For most people, they simply record the time they last ate before going to bed and then wait until noon or so (depending on when that time was) to start eating again. The program explains this in more detail; so if you’re a little confused or intimidated, don’t worry.

The word “fasting” has gotten a negative connotation over the years but it does not mean starving or depriving yourself. It’s just getting all of your meals in within an 8-hour window.

Flat Belly Detox does have recommendations on when to eat and how to eat to maximize your results as well, so you can sit back and just follow along. The program also provides you with recommendations on what to eat for the next 14 days, recipes, food lists, healthy tips and techniques, and so much more.

So, to say it’s just about intermittent fasting would be an understatement; it’s a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to get the most out of your weight loss efforts.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you receive when you started this 14-day journey:

    • Quick Start Guide Video
    • Main Manual
    • Bedtime Detox Formula
    • List of Fruits to Avoid
    • Free Bonus: 24-Hour Cheat-Tox
    • Free Bonus: Fat-Burning Restaurant Survival Guide
    • Free Bonus: Accelerate Fat-Burning Formula
    • Free Bonus: #1 Vegetable to Never Eat
    • Free Bonus: Low Impact Fat-Burning Workout Videos

Once you’ve watched the Quick Start Guide video, you can go ahead. Since the program is entirely digital, you do not have to wait for shipping and you can get started by downloading the content right onto your electronic devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

This gives you access to the program whenever and wherever you go, whether you’re trying to figure out what to eat during your lunch break or what to cook for dinner; or are out grocery shopping or dining out with friends. As long as you have your electronic device, you’ll have everything you need to continue on the belly detoxing path.

How Does The Flat Belly Detox Program Work?

Stage 1

    • Become aware of toxins in you
    • Remove elements that could be high in toxins
    • Prepare and plan to follow the plan
    • Start flushing the toxins

Stage 2

    • Start feeling improvements within days
    • Help your body become more stable and constant
    • Improve your quality of life
    • Improve your mental health
    • Solidify life-long benefits

It’s almost impossible to repair the damage done by years of smoking and drinking. Really, I hurt my body very badly. However, you have a chance to live better. Moreover, you can lose weight and look better, healthier, and feel great.

The Author of Flat Belly Detox

Derek Wahler is the creator of Flat Belly Detox. He is the author of many natural health and fitness systems, all of which focus on safe and effective ways to lose sustainable weight.

Derek is also a Certified Turbulence Trainer and a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, which is why so many of his programs, including this one, provide you with unique movements that help you tackle your specific goals.

Overview of Flat Belly Detox

Flat Belly Detox is a comprehensive system that breaks down the steps needed to cleanse out a hormonal glitch that is forcing your body to store fat at a faster rate. The system comes with a Quick Start Guide, which is an introduction video that shows you exactly how to get started with the program so there’s no confusion.

It also includes some helpful tips and information about the 14-day plan and what you can expect from it as a whole. Then, the system dives into easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions on how to use the program for maximum results. This includes everything from workout videos to recipes, bedtime protocols and more.

Flat Belly Detox Table of Contents
Flat Belly Detox – Table of Contents (Preview)
You don’t even have to take my word for it. Here’s a sneak peek at what the program teaches you:


Main Manual

    1. Introduction
      1. Step 1: “Instant Energy” For Breakfast
      2. Instant Energy Recipe
      3. White Coffee Recipe
      4. Step 2: Lean Lunch
      5. Step 3: Soup Detox Dinner
    2. Lean Lunch Options
      1. Examples
      2. Beverages
      3. Snacks
    3. Soup Dinner Detox Recipes
    4. Detox Workouts
    5. Metabolism Window Trick to Burn 20% More Belly Fat Daily
    6. 15-Delicious Fat Flushing Recipes
    7. Remove This and Watch Your Belly Shrink
    8. Putting it All Together
    9. List of Fat-Burning Foods to Have at Home

Bedtime Belly Detox

    1. Introduction
    2. Other Tips and Tricks
      1. Thermostat Setting
      2. Meditate
      3. Progressive Relaxation Technique
      4. Caffeine
      5. Brain Dump
      6. Lavender
    3. Soothing Detox Teas
    4. Belly Slimming Herbs and Spices

+ the 5 Fruits to Avoid and the abundance of free bonuses you receive for absolutely free.


  • Scientific bases
    The minds behind this program have done a lot of research and base their guide on scientific findings.
  • Know exactly what you’re doing and why.
    Other programs expect you to follow them blindly. When that happens, it’s challenging to follow through. However, this program tells you everything behind every detox strategy.
  • Focus on what’s important
    With this program, you won’t need to cut back on the calories because all you need to do is help your body become clean. Then, weight-loss happens naturally.
  • Sets you up for success!
    The program comes with bonus materials that make it easier to boost the benefits and stay on track. Never miss a chance to improve your health.
  • Try it risk-free
    With the 60-day money-back guarantee, you’ll get a full refund if you feel this is a scam. The creators are so confident in their program that they’re making it easy for you to get out, but it’s really worth following.


  • This is a health program, not a weight-loss one
    Listen, one of the main benefits of this is that you’ll become slimmer. However, that happens because you’re cleaning your body. Some people don’t like this program because it won’t make you skinny or ripped, but that’s not the point.
  • Only available in digital formats
    You’ll need a digital device to read it, but you’ll be able to access it anywhere.


Flat Belly Detox is an easy way to rid your body of the hormonal glitch that is making it so impossible to lose weight, but it’s also much more than that. It takes you through a 14-day program that teaches you how to eat, when to eat and what to eat to force your body to stop storing more fat at a faster rate.

After the 14-days, you can continue with this healthy eating regime that feeds your body properly and at the best times, so that it can function properly.

Add in the fact that you even get two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, and you can complete the 14-days four times before deciding if you your newfound (and fairly effortless) weight loss is for you.

Try Now For 60 Days Risk Free… Click the Button Below


Unlock Your Glutes Review Fri, 21 Aug 2020 02:31:10 +0000 Unlock Your Glutes kicks your weight loss goals into high gear with weekly training regimes that focus on working out the largest muscles in your body – your glutes.

By doing so, your body will work overtime to repair these muscles which burns more fuel and essentially, allows you to burn more fat, quicker and more efficiently than if you were to train another area of your body.

And no, don’t worry; you won’t be busting out 100 squats and lunges and there are certainly no magic pills or ancient voodoo stretches either.

Unlock Your Glutes gets creative with the movements to keep things exciting, and it’s a safe and natural way to lose sustainable weight while also shaping your body from head-to-toe.

What is Unlock Your Glutes?

Unlock Your Glutes is an online fitness regime that focuses on working out your glutes. All joking aside, there are many good reasons for this.

Not only are your glutes the largest muscles in your body that will force your body to burn more fat (for fuel) to repair them after each workout but they are also the center of every movement.

From walking to running, from crawling to climbing, from stepping to standing, your glutes are the engine that powers up your lower body and back muscles, so you can do these movements efficiently.

As a result, when you focus on strengthening and targeting your glutes, you’re also able to sculpt your backside and the rest of your body because they’re connected to everything else.

Even your stomach gets tighter; your hips get slimmer; your calves get sculpted; your thighs become slender – the list goes on.

Unlock Your Glutes is a digital fitness regime that teaches you the best movements to do to harness the full potential of your glutes.

It comes with everything you need to understand why targeting the largest muscles in your body is so vital, as well as workout charts, exercise definitions, pictures, coaching videos for added motivation, a 14-day rapid fat loss meal plan, you name it. It’s a comprehensive guide that has you taken care of.

Take look at what the system comes with:

    • The Main Manual
    • Workout Charts
    • Exercise Definitions and Pictures
    • Coaching Videos (Visual and audio instructions)
    • Strong Leg Workout Videos
    • Bonus: 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet

Now, here’s the interesting part – you don’t have to wait to get started, or pay for shipping. Since Unlock Your Glutes is a digital program, you receive immediate access to everything as soon as you purchase. You also don’t have to worry about having a DVD player (do people still own these?) or paper and pens.

Instead, you just download the content onto your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and voila – you have the entire program. This will come to you as a huge benefit as it ensures you have what you need to achieve maximum results with this program, regardless of where your life takes you.

So, if you’re heading on vacation for one week or want to work out at the gym, park and in your living room on other weeks, you can easily do that as long as you have your tech device. This also means that you have all the valuable information about the program, shopping lists for the meal plans, and advice with you at all times. It’s convenience at its finest.

The best part? The results are guaranteed. If you’re someone who doesn’t think your butt has what it takes to transform your body (and life), you have two months to test out your theory with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Chances are you won’t feel the need to go back to busting out 100 squats and lunges every day.

You even get some free bonuses just for starting the program:

    • Bonus: Top 10 Fat Burning Exercises DVD
    • Bonus: 7-Day Back Pain Cure Book

The Developer of Unlock Your Glutes program

Brian Klepacki, also known as “Coach Brian” is the mastermind behind Unlock Your Glutes. He is a certified strength and conditional specialist, works as a Functional Movement Specialist, and he has his Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.

He is a highly sought after fitness coach and has even appeared on major media outlets, such as The National Strength and Conditioning Association, Strength Camp, the Olympics, the NFL, and many more.

Overview of the Unlock Your Glutes Program

Unlock Your Glutes may only focus on movements that target the largest muscles in your body, but it’s an exceptionally comprehensive regime that provides full-body results.

The program sets you up on a path towards success, complete with an abundance of valuable information, workout charts, exercise videos, meal plans, motivation videos, and more.

It guides you along the way instead of handing you some exercises to do and sending you on your way. It really takes care of you from start to finish, and the results are great. By working out your glutes, you end up sculpting your entire body quicker and more efficiently than if you were to switch up the muscles you target or do other workout regimes.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from this program, here’s a sneak peek at some of the topics discussed:

    • Chapter 1: Meet Your Glutes
    • Chapter 2: Anatomy and Bio-Mechanics of the Glutes
    • Chapter 3: The Sleeping Giant
    • Chapter 4: A Healthy Front = A Healthier Back
    • Chapter 5: Health Benefits of Strong Glutes
    • Chapter 6: The Posterior Powerhouse
    • Chapter 7: Building a Bigger Stronger Booty
    • Chapter 8: Burn Fat and Sculpt a Rounder Booty
    • Chapter 9: The Scientific Solution
    • Chapter 10: Program Overview and Parameters
    • Chapter 11: Final Thoughts
    • Chapter 12: Workout Charts
    • Chapter 13: Exercise Definitions and Pictures


  • Immediate access to the program: The program offers you a fast and swift download that is the program can be downloaded instantly.
  • The program is no only efficient but also practical: Get gains and keep them forever! You’ll see your body improve right from week one, and never lose your strength or gains again.
  • Try it risk-free: You are guaranteed a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the product.
  • Unlock your butt without subscriptions: The program works better than going to a gym and shaping your body with the consultant.
  • Get the best butt: Unlock your glutes is 100% effective to get you a perfectly sized butt.
  • The program is available at a reasonable price: Don’t pay more than you should. Anyone can afford this and shape their legs in just one month.


  • Diet and exercises need tweaking: The nutritional guide is not complete for vegan or gluten-free options. Sometimes the exercises might need to be adapted.


Unlock Your Glutes is a comprehensive workout program that teaches you specific movements that target the largest muscles in your body to burn more fat, more quickly and more efficiently.

It provides you with everything you need to understand your body and how your glutes hold the power to the rest of your body, as well as workout videos, motivation coaching, and so much more to help keep you on the path towards achieving your goals.

And hey, you even get two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose by kicking your butt into high gear.


Try Now For 60 Days Risk Free… Click the Button Below


Tone Your Tummy System Review Fri, 14 Aug 2020 11:04:57 +0000 Tone Your Tummy is a new weight loss program that is the most scientifically researched system for losing weight and for finally achieving a flat belly.

Unlike other programs, it does not require you to do any of the fad diets filling the modern day weight loss industry, spend a fortune on conventional weight loss pills (spoiler alert: they never work), or spend all of your free time at the gym.

You don’t even have to count calories or restrict your diet. Instead, the system teaches you proper nutrition and exercise routines that focus on the quality of the movement instead of the quantity of reps, all of which are created to improve the energy flow of your body’s core to remove blocks that are hindering your body from functioning properly and from burning fat.

So, if you’re ready to Tone Your Tummy, here’s what you can expect when you get started with this program.

What is Tone Your Tummy System?

The weight loss industry is packed with all of these modern day, conventional weight loss “regimes” that rarely look into the energy flow of the body and how it contributes to the way the body stores, uses and burns food.

Tone Your Tummy isn’t one of them. Instead, this online weight loss system is highly focused on improving your body’s flow of energy within your core to improve your internal health to allow the energy flow to work effectively which of course, includes burning fat.

It’s a comprehensive system developed from a holistic 360-degree perspective that involves getting proper nutrition and exercise movements into your day, exercises that are based on the quality reps as opposed to how many you can do. When put together, these things help to realign your body’s balance and energy.

But don’t be mistaken, the program isn’t about eating purifying and detoxifying foods, doing ancient yoga poses and sitting back and letting the fat fall off.

You do have to do the work. This includes real workouts that include toning, sculpting and fat burning movements that focus on the quality of movement and not the quantity of reps, and one of the best parts, you’ll need to start eating delicious foods that are infused with ingredients that improve your internal health. Here’s a look at the different components you receive when you get started:

    • Main Manual
    • Recon Phase
    • Alpha Phase
    • Charlie Phase
    • Two Week Quick Start System
    • Nutrition Guide
    • 21 Day Rapid Loss Meal Plan
    • Supplement Stack Guide
    • Workout Calendars
    • Whole Body Strength and Tone Workouts
    • Fix and Flatten Gut Health Protocol
    • Perfect Butt Add On Exercises
    • Tutorial Videos
    • Alpha Phase
    • Bravo Phase
    • Charlie Phase
    • Core Foundation Phase

You receive immediate access to the entire digital system as soon as you purchase. Everything is online so you just go and download the content right into your laptop, smartphone.  That makes it easy to complete and commit to the regime at your convenience.

It even comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee that gives you ample time to give the system a read, to cook up the deliciousness found in the 21-day meal plan and to complete the four-phase series of exercises.

What It Can Do For You

People dream often to have a flat stomach or a toned tummy that they think is not something easy to achieve.

One must also know that having excessive weight and increase tummy can lead to many health problems and can make prone to diseases.

When it comes to all the issues of a tummy and its problems, you should take help from tone your tummy.

It helps to reduce the excessive weight that is stored in your stomach with proper exercise and workouts that can be easily followed and are effective as well throughout your weight loss process.

You may feel stressed out when your weight is increasing day by day.

With such excess belly fat and weight, you get disappointed day by day and this may also sadden your day and weakens your mood and health to a great level.

You may find tone your tummy with workouts and several exercises that can make you feel lively and also boost up your body cells as well as your health mentally together.

Who is the Author of Tone Your Tummy?

The author of Tone Your Tummy is Todd Lamb, a former soldier in a Special Services Unit of the Canadian Armed Forces and retired SWAT member for almost 20 years. His approach to staying fit was always to work harder, longer, tougher, etc. and he never even considered energy work.

But then, his intense approach to getting fit was no longer giving him to results he was used to having. So, he worked harder but still wasn’t getting the results. This is when he met with his friend Jim, one of the smartest fitness coaches in the country who told him that he is actually working too hard.

Jim started teaching him about how the body’s energy contributes to weight loss and to his surprise, he started to work out less and see more results. This started his new holistic approach to losing weight and that’s exactly what you learn in this program.

Overview of the Tone Your Tummy System

Tone Your Tummy is the most scientifically researched weight loss regime that is developed with a 360-degree holistic approach.

Throughout this comprehensive system, you learn various types of movements, meal plans, exercises, supplements and meal plans that improve the energy flow of your body’s core, so it can start working effectively and efficient for turning your food into fuel instead of storing it. The system works you through a three-phase system that consist of:

    1. The Recon Phase
      1. Movement preparatory phase that addresses tissue quality and creating abdominal tension
    2. The Alpha Phase
      1. Lays foundational strength to develop abdominal musculature to display your abs
    3. The Charlie Phase
      1. Highly advanced phase (optional) for developing the tissue and central nervous system and for recruiting all the necessary motor units

Now, this can be difficult to understand at first, and the program explains each of these phases in more detail so don’t let this discourage you.

To give you a better idea of what you can expect from Tone Your Tummy as a whole, here’s a look at the topics from the main manual:

    1. Introduction
    2. Rationale
    3. Understanding the Plan
    4. What are the Phases?
    5. Rationale Within the Phases
    6. Planes of Motion
    7. The Spec Ops Secret
    8. Bracing, Ab Development, Core and Stability
    9. Abdominal Hollowing (TVA)
    10. Equipment
    11. Nutrition
    12. Hormones
    13. Exercise Descriptions
    14. Abdominal Bracing
    15. Additional Secrets for Staying Lean

And that’s only the main manual. The program also comes with:

    • Two Week Quick Start System
    • Nutrition Guide
    • 21 Day Rapid Loss Meal Plan
    • Supplement Stack Guide
    • Workout Calendars
    • Whole Body Strength and Tone Workouts
    • Fix and Flatten Gut Health Protocol
    • Perfect Butt Add On Exercises
    • Tutorial Videos
      • Alpha Phase
      • Bravo Phase
      • Charlie Phase
      • Core Foundation Phase

How Does Tone Your Tummy Work?

It is considered a crucial decision to get a toned body and maintain a body weight that is said to be healthy.

You just need to get into it and then there is no point of turning back and if you ever decided to do improper methods of losing weight then the possibility will be that you will even gain more weight than usual.

You may find step by step instructions by tone your tummy that helps to reduce tummy and belly fat with the help of simple exercises.

Also, workout techniques that helps to decrease your abdominal muscles that also helps to strengthen the muscles.

This helps for the energy flow and is considered as the natural movement that your body is planned and due to more energy flow your body can easily reduce the unwanted weight and belly fat as well.

For the demonstration purpose, you may find simple and easy videos that will help you to reduce tummy weight through exercises.

It also ensures that you get the flat stomach as you use to have before and never again gain the same belly fat in your life.


Tone Your Tummy is a detailed weight loss system that focuses on improving your internal health to achieve your health and fitness goals. It involves completing various exercises and getting proper nutrition into your diet to remove energy blocks in your body to improve the flow of energy to help your bodywork effectively and efficiently.

While it does require you to put in work, it doesn’t require you to do anything extreme or boring, such as eating a restrictive diet or spending hours running on a treadmill.

You can complete the system whenever and wherever your life takes you, and as long as you have your tech device you’ll have all the information you need to thrive on the Tone Your Tummy system right at your fingertips


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